Producer Consumer

This demo is a simple test of the main features of the framework, showing how to use the available interaction semantics.


Sin Waves

Another easy demo to show how hierarchy can be used in specifications. This demo also connects to an external plotter application to show the sine functions. Requires java



This demo implements a typical control system, as described in the paper:

E. Moser, W. Nebel, Case Study: System Model of Crane and Embedded Control, Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE `99), 1999.

It shows the use of hierarchy and use of multiple interactions (DE and SR in this demo).



This is an algorithm for edge detection in images. It was extrated from MiBench benchmark suite. A version using the DF semantics is implemented by the demo. This allows for generation of code for host and multicore platforms. Hence, its main purpose is to demonstrate how easy this migration is.
